Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Vipassana meditation in Bali

Bali is known for many name, Island of peace, morning of the world, island of gods, all of these nicknames tell us about peace and spiritual, until nowadays these 2 thing still growing strong in Bali. Meditation is one of many spiritual activities that commonly practiced here in Bali, by Balinese, expatriate or tourist.

Among many technique practiced here in Bali, Vipassana is on of them that famous among many people. Vipassana is based on the Buddha teaching. Vipassana in the Buddhist tradition means insight into the true nature of reality, Vipassana meditation reintroduced by Ledi Sayadaw and Mogok Sayadaw, and popularized by Mahasi Sayadaw and S.N Goenka in which mindfulness of breathing and of thoughts, feelings and actions are being used to gain insight in the true nature of reality. Both Mahasi Sayadaw Vipassana meditation technique and S.N Goenka retreat is held in Bali regularly every year.

Most Vipassana practice is in 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 10 days and more. But if you a beginner and its your first time, i really suggest go with 10 days, because in the short day practice, 3 days for example in the first day usually you will still feel anxiety, because your mind still thinking about home and things that was happend before you come, in the second day you maybe start to feel calm, but in the third day usually the anxiety will arise again, because you start to thinking about home again, its the last day, you will thinking about what you want to do next, so the result will be very small.

In the 10 days retreat, the first 3 days is the hardest, this 3 days will determining whether you will continue to the finish or giving up. Then start from the fourth day usually participant will start to reap, but it will vary for every participant, continue from the fourth day, until the eighth usually anxiety will arise again, because thinking the retreat will end in 2 days :)

The rules in each Vipassana retreat is vary, but generally it as below :
1. To abstain from killing any being, stealing, sexual activitiy, telling lies, intoxicants,sensual entertainment and bodily decorations.
2. Other techniques, rites, and form of worship is discontinued
3. Noble silence - means silence of the body, speech and mind + no phone
4. Separation of men and women
5. Physical contact
6. No music, reading and writing

Sometime i heard or read on blogs about people that come to Bali to get peace, out of daily routine, broken heart, sadness, stress, and many other reason. Sometimes, a new friends will help, a relax time at the beach, alone time, this thing could help, but if you try Vipassana meditation it will help more, because in Vipassana we will understand about our mind, about our feeling, how it arise and how it passes away, by experience. With this knowledge we will not drag by our feeling.

Because the knowledge we gain in Vipassana retret is by experience, so we will always remember. Usually after the 10 days retreat, you will realize there is something different, when you angry or sad or happy, you will realize it arise and can decide weather you want to follow it or now :)

-> The Mahasi meditation retreat usually held in Brahma Vihara Arama, for information and schedule you can check here

-> The Goenka meditation retreat usually held in Kintamani (Ashram Landih or Bojjhanga Bavana Center). For location, you can check here, and for the schedule in here

*if you need help about the retreat, send me email at i will try to help
*the schedule for Brahma Vihara Arama 2015 already release, i will update soon


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